Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Return of the Austrian 'Kamarg' Backpack

Backpack manufacturer Kamarg was founded in 1949 in Graz, Austria and produced quality backpacks aimed towards Austrian adventurers. In the 70's, the production was shut down due to competition from Asia that could offer much cheaper products.

But, in 2014, Kamarg was re-established and the iconic backpack went back into production.

It was in August 2013 when Franz, one of our founders, came across a Kamarg backpack when cleaning out the attic of his parents' house in Austria. The beige Kamarg he found there in a wooden box was used by his father to go to school and then work. It was produced in 1953 and still fully functionable. There was tear but nothing was broken. He washed it and started using it in the coming months and people really liked the simple and timeless design.

It was this backpack that got us thinking. We started discussing all the plastic backpacks we had in our lives, some of them from major brands. Most of them lasted 24 months at best as Zipper started to fail, plastic an straps broke out or fabric tore. Put on top of each other they would be a pile of waste now. In contrast to this, here was a product that has lasted 61 years and could still be used. It seems like Kamargs were truly built to last. They were not something to throw away when they were broken or ran out of fashion. The idea stuck with us for months. In June 2014 we decided to look into bringing Kamarg back.

The retail price for a Kamarg backpack will be 120 EUR, but there is an introductory price of 80 EUR for the first three hundred rucksacks.

Via Tjock (SE).

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