Monday, May 22, 2017

Avolatte: Coffee in a Piece of 'Rubbish'

Avolatte is a latte made in an avocado, something that Truman Cafe in Melbourne came up with as a joke when they uploaded it on Instagram. But when the video went viral, it went from being a joke to something real. Hilarious!


This is either a clever marketing campaign wrapped up as a tongue-in-cheek satire about the housing affordability debate, or maybe we've just reached peak hipster. Or maybe both.

But judging from the cry-laugh emoji posted alongside a video of the caffeinated creation posted on Instagram last week which has since gone viral, it’s probably all just a dumb joke.

In fact a barista at the cafe, Jaydin Nathan, confirmed the obvious to that, yes, "it was actually just a joke".

"We weren't actually selling them but then someone came in today and wanted one," he said.

"I think it's ridiculous. It's literally coffee in a piece of rubbish."

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